Reflections of our dear Aunt Barbara from Roger and Dawn

Created by dovetailltd 3 years ago
Our recollections of Aunty Barbara are numerous, for there were so many aspects of her life and witness to God that touched people’s lives. She was caring, practical, prayerful, kind, generous and gracious. She was welcoming and considerate. When Aunties Ivy & Nell needed more assistance, she & Uncle Den ensured they were able to be there, even later providing additional care for her sisters by moving them closer and assisting in their deteriorating health care. Aunty Barb was alongside Nell, Ivy and Dennis throughout. Even when she was diagnosed with cancer, she remained positive. She knew and had relationship with God by walking with her Saviour, the Lord Jesus, so she was not afraid of death as some are who do not have the certainty of what will happen when they die. We are privileged to have known this lovely woman of God.